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Certified Payroll Reports

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WolfePak Payroll has 16 different ways to import time into the system. In addition, there are a half dozen specialized time entry modules that enable the user to capture the data at one time and be used for more than just paying employees.

Payroll Time Entry

The Time Entry Module is intended to companies who want to record employees' time by job. Time can be coded to different pay codes with the rate being paid determined at the employee level or based on the type of work being done. Specific job can have their own override pay rates setup. Worker Comp Codes can be set up at either the pay code level or the employee level. The time then can be imported into WolfePak Payroll or can be billed to a third party. WolfePak also has the ability to create Certified Payroll Reports by job for the government jobs you are working on.

WPTE Time Entry

This WPTE Module is intended to be used by drilling companies that need to track their employee's time and expenses by rig. Multiple job codes and functions can be set up, as well as longevity codes that can be set up and automatically calculated. Ability to record accidents related to a specific employee or job. This module also has the ability to track for Glove Safety Bonus, Performance Bonus, and create an Award Listing by dates and departments.