Main Content
Tract Based
- Ability to tie multiple contracts and/or owners to same tract of land
- Reports are searchable by tract-based information
- Scalable – unlimited number of tracts
- Optional GIS integration
Share Data between Land and Accounting
- Ownership/Property information entered once and changes can be made through all modules
- Edit DOI’s from all modules
Integrated Document Management
- Proprietary document imaging link allows for retrieval of corresponding documents or scan documents directly into the system
- Quickly generate commonly used land documents with consistency such as Lease Offer Letters, Notice Letters, and more.
- Scan in supporting documents such as signed contracts, joa’s, title curative documents, correspondences
Lease payments are integrated into accounting system
- Oil and gas production revenue can be combined with land revenue for consolidated 1099 reporting
- Check payments can be requested from land system and sent to accounts payable for processing and routed for approval prior to check writing
- Customizable payment types
- Automated payment status tracking
Customizable contract obligations allow you to track only what matters to you
- Scalability allows for additional special provisions as needed
- Flexibility allows you to manage any type of contract such as right-of-ways, oil & gas leases, surfaces leases, mineral acquisitions, etc.
Customizable Reporting, get the right data when you need it
- User defined reports allow the user to choose data elements to include on report
- Reports are created and retrieved from a relational database
- Create custom queries and save the format for future use, updating data when initiated