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Oil & Gas Operations is an ever changing environment when it comes to communicating with and billing investors. The WolfePak system clearly communicates detailed charges to keep your operation running efficiently.
- Print the detail of charges and review, making changes as needed prior to printing the owner's invoices and finalizing the billing
- Option to run Revenue and Joint Interest Billing together
- Multiple netting options
- Billings can have one or more owners exempt from specific types of charges
- Billings can have different overhead rates for different groups of owners
- Bills only the leases and/or items you are ready to bill
- Handles billings of partial interests on non-operated properties
- Print paper JIB statements and/or automatically e-mail them on a per owner basis
- JIB charges are summarized on the statement by lease, type of expense, or prospect
- Allocations to facility or master meter
General Ledger entries can be created automatically for the personal books of any investor
- Company's share of expenses is automatically booked to the proper general ledger accounts
- Any entry can contain multiple lines of description, allowing full explanations of any item
- Automatically add overhead and/or pumper charges to your billings using multiple criteria
- Utilities to easily correct coding errors on already billed entries such as wrong property, deck, AFE or account for any date range and/or a multitude of other selection criteria; complete with an undo if you find out your corrections are wrong before they are billed out
- Print a year-to-date billing summary for any investor by lease and expense type
- Copy a division of interest from one lease to another
- Produce multiple billings in one month, without duplicate billing
- Unlimited Leases – billing property up to a 10 character – alphanumeric code
- Unlimited number of owners per lease
- Unlimited number of date sensitive decks for each lease
- What-if Payout reporting to track non-consenting owners
- AFE (Authorization for Expenditure), tracking, reporting, variance reporting, etc
- Enter AFE budgets and produce comparison reports for each lease
- AFE payout reporting
- Invoice each owner for their share of an AFE cash call
- Multiple AFEs available for different stages and projects
- Set default AFEs for similar projects
- Prepayments can be applied automatically against the actual billing
Integrated Add-on JIB Modules:
Project Reporting - Produce drilling report and/or other accumulative reporting for interested investors. Automatically distributes to internal and/or external owners by e-mail, fax and/or paper.
Optional Add-On Modules
Project Reporting
Gas Allocation System
House Meters
Partnership Reporting
Land Management
Production Management